Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What the hell is WRONG with people?

I've had my share of mistakes, broken friendships and hurt feelings. I've made the wrong choices plenty of times in my life, but never...NEVER...have I INTENTIONALLY set out to do it.

I live with my heart on my sleeve and I love easily. I also open myself up to people without much question. Tonight, I realized that was a mistake. Because I am genuine and I come from a mindset of truth, I forget that not everyone else does. I take for granted that everyone I meet has no agendas or hidden propaganda. No one is out to get me or use me to get something. That's what I tell myself.

Tonight I learned otherwise.

I learned that not all Blockheads are good people. That some Blockheads are two-faced and will stab you in the back as soon as look at you the minute they get what they want. They'll talk shit about you, tell others things you told them in confidence and will use your vulnerabilities to get something they seek. They'll steal, they'll lie, they'll cheat, they'll manipulate. They'll do whatever it takes to get their hands on whatever it is they need from you.

Luckily, I was alerted to this person before she got much from me. All she got was a few good facetime stories. Whatever she sought wasn't gotten. I do pity her, though. Apparently she has several accounts, and based on what those accounts have tweeted, each matches a different face she wears. It's a shame really, because she's a beautiful woman. And the side of herself she showed me was good at being sweet and concerned.

I'd say I was a fool, but I wasn't. I believed what she told me. I believed what I saw. She was the fool -- she chose to cross ME. More importantly, she chose to cross my best friend. And people...if there's one way to piss me off, it's to fuck with Ann Marie.

People get ONE chance with me. ONE. Apologies don't mean much to me without action and I refuse to forget things. That's not to say I dwell on the past - I just don't choose to make the same mistake twice. Those who choose to? Good luck.

Me? I'm done.