Monday, October 20, 2008

Jon's Answers - Part 1

October 20th, 2008

Wow! I must admit I never expected over 2000 posts in less
than a twenty four hour span. Looks like I’m gonna be a busy man the
next few weeks………..

I might need to write a book. Some of these questions could fill an
entire chapter. Never thought so many people would have such an interest in my
life. I will start off with the easy questions and save the juicy ones
for a later date. Guess you’ll have to keep checking in from time to
time to see if you got your answer. Well, here goes my answers to your
questions. I would be unfair if I didn’t answer the first question to
come in first, so here it is……..

*Are you an Episcopalian?

Yes, Jordan and I were raised Episcopalian. Our Dad is an Episcopalian
minister. Our first experiences with singing were in our church choir.

*What has been your most favorite part of this reunion?

There are so many favorites to this whole thing, I guess my favorite is
the reaction from all of you followed by having my relationship with
Danny, Joe, and Donnie back on track. I love these guys like they are
my brothers. Jordan, well we have always been close!

*How has it been going from the business world to back on stage?

It was a very hard transition for me to make. I miss work so much but
my company is in great hands until I can jump back in. I have two very
great partners and I can’t thank them enough for understanding my
to do this reunion. Thank god for the Internet. I began two projects
last week by having pictures sent to me on the road.

*What possessed you to buy 30 Emus?

I’ve always been a country boy at heart. I am so happy to have had the
opportunity to purchase a farm during the early days of NKOTB. I love
animals. I went through what I call my Michael Jackson phase. I had to
have anything and everything exotic as far as animals were concerned.
At one time these were the animals I owned, sheep, goats , llamas, long
horned cattle, miniature donkeys, ducks, geese, chickens, pigeons,
swans, horses,emus, and a cross between a donkey and a zebra. I was
told by the farmer I bought it from it was a Zedonk. Go figure! I came
very close to buying an elephant but found out they need a huge heated
barn and a massive cement enclosure to keep them put. Needless to say,
I’m glad my elephant phase passed quickly!


Wow, he led the pack!! And yes that was his real name. The day he
passed away was one of the saddest moments of my life. He is buried in
a special place and has a place in my heart forever!

*Coke or Pepsi?

Can’t say I like either now that I am an adult, if I do get the urge
its definitely Coke! Don’t you remember our commercial back in the day?

*”Shaved”, “trimmed”, or “au naturel”?

HA! Most men do what we call manscaping these days…….The “Tractor”
is well……but definitely no bald tires……who would do that?

*Am I Happy?

Absolutely, what a great life I have! Do I seem un-happy?……….. I
wouldn’t change a thing

*Are we going to do another album and tour?

Lets get through this one first! We are all open to the idea, I guess
that’s up to you to make it happen.

*What is you and Jordan’s Nationality?

Jordan and I were born to Canadian parents. We are of English, Irish,
Scottish, and German decent.

* What’s you favorite drink at Starbucks?

Well I’m not proud of my addictions, neither is Danny for that matter.
He always tells me to “get off the crack”
It is plain old iced coffee, large, with three Splenda, and cream!

*What ever happened to Biscuit?

While spinning around on the B stage during our show in Vegas, I
spotted him at the sound board. It was great to see him after the
concert and catch up!

………………. Stay tuned for more!!!!!

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