Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Operation Squirrel (Jon's Blog)

Greetings from one of the best cities in the world! Just enjoyed a day
off in London. Can we just stay here? I’m getting so tired of packing
and unpacking everyday. Its all your fault, but I thank you for this
one misery I have to suffer (LOL). Watson got sent home on the first
plane to America this morning. I found his behavior to be a bit erratic
lately. I hear he was the cause of our continued economic downfall
Monday morning. The majority of you were not up to full working
capabilities due to staying up half the night waiting for some video to
be posted on the web. I wasn’t at that show and haven’t seen the video.
I did hear something about his a** being all over YouTube though.
Hopefully some upcoming time off will do him good. He told me he is
feeling extremely tired and home sick. The cold and rainy weather,
constant air travel, and being in a different time zone is sure taking
its toll on the poor guy! We all now he is no spring chicken these days
and damp weather is hard on the arthritis! Good thing he loves what he
does, so he will be just fine! In the mean time, I am here by myself
and will fill in for him during his absence. He said he can’t wait to
join me again sometime soon. I’m not sure when he will be back because
he shows up at really random times. He said something about a cruise in
May, not sure if he was talking about the cruise that I will be on with
some of you……I guess we will have to wait and see!


ps. You can now blog about my multiple personalities PH
pss. Operation squirrel, not gonna happen!
psss. Travelin Jon needs a plastic surgeon. What’s up with that nose?
pssss. Jessica Jones needs a vacation, what a girl! If I was the
president you’d be my press secretary
psssss. Starbucks in Europe needs half and half its just not right with
plain milk
pssssss. Hi Mom
psssssss. Wow its 5:48 and I have to be on a bus in a few hours
pssssssss. Good night!

Monday, January 12, 2009

The first step is admitting there's a problem.

Or so they tell me.

I wouldn't know, as I'm not in rehab.

I have realized, however, that I do have some serious addictions. I've developed a drug habit. Because I am *SO* addicted to New Kids, it's only fitting that they have developed nicknames related to addiction-causing materials.

Jonathan is exactly my brand of Heroin. Aptly named because of his immediate effects on me - heightened body temperature, flushed skin, breathlessness and clouded mental function. The most addictive of all New Kids drugs, Heroin is also the most dangerous...much like those quiet people you have to watch out for!

Joe is Crack. Let's face it - he's HOT and I want more and more of him with every hit. Not to mention, Crack causes my heart to race and, like Heroin, my body temperature to rise. Crack is also fairly cheap, as drugs go, and you saw Joe's blog about being too cheap to pay for delivery on his Christmas tree. Sooner or later, though...Crack can hurt my heart. *coughcoughBARRETTcoughcough* I must be careful.

Jordan is Pot. One of the most recreational drugs, Pot can be found to cause sleeplessness and, with long-term use, difficulty breathing. It's also been reported that those using Pot tend to miss more work than those who don't. (You saw my blog about work...you know where this is going!) Pot's also a drug I could live without if I absolutely had to..but he it's one that's usually up for a good time if you don't have anything better to do.

Donnie is Ecstasy...or X as it's termed in the party world. X is used to calm my nerves, and heighten my sexual awareness (sound like anybody we know?). Like the other drugs, a rise in body temperature usually comes with X - along with teeth clenching, blurred vision, sweating and fainting. Then, of course, there's also the confusion, sleep problems and constant cravings. Ahh yes...I love me some X.

Danny is Ginseng. Being the health-nut of the group, he's inspired me to come back to a more holistic high. Increasing my mental awareness, Ginseng is a refreshing retreat from the other drugs who make my mind race from one thought to another. He It is something that restores my body, healing and relaxing the tension I feel. Although typically a very healthy addition, it can sometimes cause nervousness and excitability. Overall, he's it's well worth the risk.

Like any drug...excessive use can destroy lives. I have to be very careful to make sure my addictions don't override my everyday life. Unlike most addictions, though...I don't want to be cured of this one. No 12-step programs here, despite their talk of "Step by Step" in the 90's. I want nothing to do with quitting these Drugs...as if I stand a chance at a cure, anyway!

I love my little addictions!

**Editor's note: The author of this blog is not and has never used any type of illegal substance, much less been addicted to any. This blog was written tongue-in-cheek, so please take it in the context it was intended.**

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year from Jon

From NKOTB.com

Happy New Year to you! Where does the time go? I can’t believe It was one year ago that Jordan and I left home and went to stay with Donnie to begin planning for our reunion! I hope this year was as great for you as It was for me and the rest of the New Kids. It has been so much fun traveling all over North America. This Is the best country ever. I am glad I got to see It all over again.

I survived the trauma of turning forty……. of course I’ll still lie about my age. I’ve been doing It for so long I can’t stop now. I had the best birthday ever. Sitting around the Four Seasons In Punta Mita, Mexico with a small group of friends. This hotel Is one of the best if you want to get away from It all and relax. It did take me a good three days to let go and be able to enjoy myself. I’m never one to sit around and do nothing but I was so ready to do just that. Went snorkeling off the coast on a tiny island wildlife refuge. The water was a bit murky the day we all went. It makes It kind of creepy when you can’t see far into the distance. At one point I saw some large black shadows circling beneath us. Convinced it was a school of sharks. I told the people in our group that there are some cool fish in the direction of the shadows. Hey, I didn’t know these people and I’d rather watch them become dinner and not my friends. Swimming back to the boat we found out it was a school of stingrays and not some hungry sharks. These things were amazing, they were as big as I. We also had the opportunity of coming across a huge sea lion asleep on the beach.

Amazing sights… amazing times… amazing food… amazing service…amazing friends!

So here I am, back out in Los Angeles. Although it’s not snowing like back home, it’s freezing cold! I guess the warm weather in Mexico spoiled me. We are getting ready to film our third video next week, than off to Europe for another go round. It has been so great to have this time off. I got to go back to work for a few days and experience what I’ve been missing. As much as I love doing the New Kids thing I am itching to get back to my company. If only I could work during the day and commute to our concerts every night I would have the best of both worlds. That is impossible as we all know, so for now my main focus will remain with you!

Looking forward to seeing you all again this spring and summer.
