Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just how twisted am I?

Let's face it, these guys have made us absolutely insane. You've got soccer moms dressing up in full goth and dancing around their living rooms. Why? Because Donnie asked us to. Twitter has absolutely exploded with an influx of thousands of new users? Why? Because NKOTB & each individual guy now have Twitter accounts. We've crashed site after site on the web when concerts go on sale, when new details are released for something the guys are doing or when they pretty much breathe. Seriously. What is the MATTER with us???

I should start at the beginning of where the conductor punched my ticket for the crazy train.

I surprised myself last May when tickets went on sale for the fall tour. Due to a misunderstanding (as we weren't yet on the forums), we thought REGULAR tickets were $375 and balcony seats were $175 and we were totally willing to pay it to see the guys again. Obviously we realized our mistake when all the tickets went on sale and we were VERY relieved that regular tickets were well under $100. Whew! Still...we'd have paid it.

The summer went along fairly quietly. Not much insanity, other than the countdowns and the numerous daily emails between myself and mah girls talking about the guys, sharing YouTube links and discussing concert plans.

We bought tickets to the Kansas City show. They were balcony seats and while we did plan to go early, in the hopes of seeing the guys, we didn't get to. Here's where "questionable" enters the picture. We'd NEVER considered waiting outside the arena after a show, but something told us (okay..I blame the Waffle House video) to hang out and see where they go. So, while Kimmi sat toastily in the car, Jen and I sat outside in 40° weather, spitting rain and a brisk breeze, on the curb with my camera (and a killer zoom lens) across the street from the venue, shouting "I LOVE YOU's" at Joe and Jon. (I apologize, guys. I told you: CRAZY!) We froze our butts off in that rain, but we were SO excited at the great pictures and the waves and blown kisses we got from Jon, Donnie & Jordan. Thus began talk of "Stalkfest '09" before we even knew if they were still going to be performing in '09!! Hubby was NOT pleased with our promises of a three city tour in the summer. Crazy faded in and out for a couple weeks.

Then, we discovered the forums. Ho. Ly. Hell. Life hasn't been the same. I've found myself on the forums sometimes up to 18, 24, even 36 hour stretches reading all I can, right-click-saving, soaking as much of this in as I possibly can. Thankfully the holidays were in there and I smartened up and realized I don't need to be here all the time, reading every thread to keep up. Word spreads quickly as to what's going on, so I've lightened up quite a bit.

Holidays over, the cruise announcement was made. It was at this point I realized there were some people who were off-the-charts-NUTSO slightly crazier than I and being on that boat with them was NOT a smart place for me to be. I'm far too snarky and outspoken for that situation to turn out well. I'd be likely to start throwing people overboard or chucking fruit at people. LOL! I did, for one BRIEF moment consider it, but logic overruled obsession.

Enter: spring concerts. DES MOINES??!! MOLINE?!?!?!?! OH EM GEE! SO there. Hubby wasn't thrilled with the travel plans, especially considering he knew there was still a summer tour to look forward to. When I reminded him this thing wouldn't last forever, he just rolled his eyes and said "I'm not paying for it." HA! No problem! Fast-forward to April - Moline's show. Again with the rain and the 40° temps. Take that 2 hr wait from Kansas City last fall and multiply it times FOUR. That's how long we stood out in that miserable weather hoping for a glimpse of our guys. Wet to the core, freezing cold, we finally gave up about 5:00 and went to get dinner. What we hadn't really counted on was our abrupt decision to drive to Columbus the next day. Being from Iowa..that's QUITE the haul. We'd gotten some inside info from a friend that they were staying in Chicago the night of the Moline show, so we decided, last minute, to drive to Chicago (three hours away, I might add). First dose of really out-of-character for us. 3 in the morning, my girl Jen and I rolled into the Windy City. (We got the big fat "IDONTFRIGGINTHINKSO" from Jen's hubby on Columbus, so we turned around and came home.)

It was a bust. No face time. But..we had a GREAT time anyway, slept in the most comfortable bed on the planet AND we didn't have to deal with our "real lives" for a day. Woo!!

Des Moines was a few days later and we'd learned our lesson about cold weather and the likelihood of the guys coming out in miserable conditions, so we didn't venture down to the arena til later in the day. We DID get Face Time this time around. Yay us! But really...crazy wasn't too much of an issue for that show.

Unfortunately, within 48 hrs, I started experiencing that ever-common "Post Concert Depression." I couldn't listen to their songs, I couldn't get on the site. I couldn't even edit my pictures without feeling blue. I had to go to another show. It wasn't a matter of WANT...I NEEDED another concert. I swear, if I'd been left alone much longer, I'd have started to twitch. But there were no shows left for me. I didn't have a passport, so Canada wasn't an option and California airfare & hotel was too expensive to even consider. It was a couple weeks before I finally came out of the haze of depression and was able to do anything New Kid-related again. I believe Twitter was to thank for that recovery. The guys started Tweeting and giving us glimpses into their lives (and their beds, thankyouOHsoVERYmuchJOEandJON!) and I was able to get through it.

Somewhere during the haze, the Today show appearance was announced. Obviously, Iowa is NO where close to NYC, so I hadn't even considered it. I was super excited for my friends who were going, but I knew it wasn't an option for me. First of all, I'm highly uncomfortable in new places, much less somewhere as big as New York City! Also..I know NOBODY in NY and knew I'd never find my way around by myself (my girl Jen is busy that weekend) and I wasn't about to go alone. That's just *NOT* me.

Along comes my little twitter friend, Susie. (Stop batting your eyelashes,'re not so innocent!! LOL) "Mel, you should come to NYC! You could stay with us, here's an email address to request passes. C'mon!! We'll take care of ya!" Gah...are you kidding? Okay, fine. I'll check airfare, but I know it'll be astronomical. So off I go to Less than $300?? Out of DES MOINES??? NO freakin' WAY! They're NEVER this cheap. Still, I wasn't holding my breath. A LOT of things had to work out perfectly in order for this to come together. I knew hubby wouldn't go for it. Too expensive. Too unsafe. Too over-the-top. Too...too...too.... I decide to bring it up in one of those off-handed ways that I'm famous for -
"So...May 7th-10th. What do we have going on?"
"Umm...nothing. Why?"
"Just curious."
Fast-forward a couple hours. " know that weekend in May? The Jersey girls invited me to go to the Today show with them." (At this point, I still have not mentioned THEY are going to be on it.)
"Uhhh okay. Why would you want to g........oh!!! Of course. New Kids. (insert the "I'm so OVER this" sigh) How much is THIS gonna cost me?"
"Well, I actually checked airfare and it's less than $300 to fly out of DES MOINES (this, btw, is UNHEARD of. DSM is the most expensive airport on the planet)."
"Hmm..where you staying? How much will you be spending on ...."
I rattle off some figures.
"Well, if the tax return comes, I don't care what you do with your half."

Holy crap! Did he just say yes??

I'm fairly certain for a brief moment in time, the earth stopped spinning. First off, he's SUPER protective of me and the fact that I'm considering running...err...jetting off to NYC with people I've NEVER met is just insane to him. Secondly, this would be the second out of FOUR trips I'll be making solo this year to various cities across the country (Chicago and Denver are still to come for concerts this summer). Thirdly, did I mention, he's super protective?

So I talk to my girls...and this morning, I bought my plane ticket. I'm actually going to New York City without a plan, without a clue, without even a map of the city. I'm *so* screwed. LOL (Okay, I'm really east coast girls have promised to take VERY good care of me and I trust them implicitly)

I think I crossed from "enthusiastic" to "crazy" when I clicked on the "book flight" button this morning. What in the hell am I thinking?!?!?!

I. Have. Lost. It.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

5 Brothers & a Million Sisters

5 brothers and a million sisters

Friday afternoon in Bostontown-
still know my way around.
Tryin’ ‘a find the rehearsal spot for
the reunion of the ‘kids on the block.

Gonna rip it like we used to do.
Good to be back chillin’ with the crew.
Don’t know how its gonna be, but
last time we made history.

So tell ya mother and ya sistah too,
the New Kids are coming back for you.
And in my heart I knew you’d never forget,
but to see you again like this
makes me feel like I’ll never be alone.

Wherever it is I’m goin’ to, whatever I am
is because of you and I thank you. And I thank you.
didn’t know how much I missed you.
Thank you. And I thank you.

All the way back and all the way up tonight.
Call it what you want, but I’ll call it love tonight.
Some people said we couldn’t do it again,
but the New Kids had the last word in the end.

See what happens when you follow your dreams?
See what happens when you just believe?
The whole world opens up her arms.
Everything is easy that used to be hard.

So tell ya mother that I lover her too
and don’t you know we did it all for you, cuz
in my heart I knew you’d never forget,
but to see you again like this
makes me feel like I’ll never be alone.

Wherever it is I’m goin’ to, whatever I am
is because of you and I thank you. And I thank you.
didn’t know how much I missed you.
Thank you. And I thank you.

Cuz you build me up. You make me high.
When I feel your love, I wanna fly.
No matter what we’re goin’ through
there ain’t nothin’ we can’t do.

And I thank you.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Face Time story from Des Moines

Des Moines, Iowa
April 6, 2009

Let me start by saying that I'm still in a dream state. I'm sure I will forget some things and I may repeat others. I'm also probably going to get things in the wrong order. Chalk it up to that "GAAAH!!!!" feeling I'm still experiencing. I normally consider myself a fairly competant writer, but I take absolutely NO responsibility for the drivel this blog could (and probably will) turn into. Forgive me now.

Shannon & Sarah arrived at my house Sunday night before the show. We stayed up all night laughing and giggling over captioned pictures, watching old NK videos and having a total slumber party.We made signs, tshirts and Sarah even made a special "Let's Get This" item (Shhh...ancient NK secret). It was great!

Monday morning came and we lazed around, deciding that the previous day's snow storm probably nixed any early-morning Face Time with the guys. Even Jon had tweeted the night before in Champaign that the crazy bus stalkers were freezing their butts off and he just didn't understand it. Jen & Missy arrived mid-morning and we spent the rest of the morning watching more old skool videos (making total fun of "Stay with Me, Baby") and getting ready for Stalkfest - Spring Edition. We finally got out of the house about noon-ish, grabbed a quick bite and headed to the arena.

Sarah drove with me, Shannon and my 12-yr old daughter, Shelby in her car. Jen & Missy took Jen's car. We decided to do a quick lap around the arena before committing ourselves to a parking space. As we came down the hill next to where the buses were parked, we looked over, scanning the area. I noticed him immediately but couldn't speak (Kinda like those dreams where you wanna run, but your feet don't work?). Shannon says "Umm guys?? That's Donnie."

I freak the hell out. TOTALLY. FREAK. OUT.

I'm pushing buttons on the door, yanking on the handle, shrieking in decibels that only dogs can hear, I'm certain (and I'm sure, the other girls can back me up)....."LEMME OUT!!!!!!!" Of course, in my crazed state, I COMPLETELY block out the fact that poor Sarah has never BEEN to Des Moines before and has NO idea where to go or what to do. (I'm SOOOOOOOO very very very sorry, Sarah! I still freakin' hart you to death!!) Shannon, Shelby and I finally release ourselves from the Chevy prison we're driving and Sarah says "What do I do???" So, as I'm running across the street, I holler back "Do a lap around the block & find parking!!" (Again....Sarah? I lurvey you. You know that, right??)

Shannon, Shelby and I tear across the street and I push Shelby into an empty spot by the gate just as Donnie gets there. He puts his arm around her, hugs her tight, cups her head against his chest and kisses the top of her head.
I. Freaking. MELT.

I work my way down the line to another empty spot just as Jen, Missy & Sarah get there (they managed to find parking a block up the street and Flo-Jo'd their butts down to the gates. Olympic trials organization? We'll be in touch!)

I manage to get in there for a quick hug too. He smelled *SO* damn good. Don't ask me what cologne he had on. I don't know and didn't recognize it right away. I just know it smelled clean, almost like he was fresh from the shower? (Gaaah...I know, right?!) His face was smooth, except his goatee and he gives GREAT hugs, even with just one arm.

He makes his way down the line and gets everybody hugs except Shannon (So sorry, girl!!). He disappears inside one of the buses. So...we're collectively gathering our thoughts. My daughter bursts into happy tears, and being the sap I am, I cry for her.

We are STOKED!!!!

So, the area clears a little bit, people come and go...a little while later, Joe comes out of the arena. Up until now, there really haven't been any screams or shrieks because rumor has it, Barrett & the baby are on the bus and we're assuming G's asleep. Well, Mr. McIntyre changes all that when he comes out and we let out a small scale of screams. Joe, being the jokester he is, does the shushing motion and we all quiet down. He then laughs and says "Nawww..just kiddin'. He's awake." and we all laugh and holler again. He laughs and gets on the bus.

In the meantime, Danny's dad and oldest daughter (?) come out and get on the bus.

Shortly thereafter, Danny came out with Vega and got on the bus. He gave waves and smiles to the crowd. Shelby again had tears in her eyes, as Danny's her favorite. She calmed down and after a while was having a good time waving & "talking" to Vega on the bus. We were all getting quite the giggle from her, actually. She kept peering out the driver's side window making the cutest faces. She was a trip. Loved that little girl half to death. LOL

Some more time went by and Earl, their bodyguard, comes out and gets on the Mac bus. He comes out a few minutes later and informs the crowd that they're coming out soon and that there are to be NO pictures taken of the baby when he comes out. Joe came out first with Duncan, the dog. Everybody "oooh'd and ahhhh'd" and Joe hollers out "Awwww, shaaaadupppp!" and then laughed. Rotten turd. LOL

Earlier, we'd noticed there was a stuffed animal on the dash of the Mac bus, and since nobody else knew what it was, I decided to ask Joe. Keep in mind, two weeks ago, I had some sinus/allergy issues that caused me to cough a lot. I ended up losing my voice before the Moline show. What little I could speak was lost the minute they came on stage that night. Four days later and I was *still* struggling. So when I holler out Joe's name, I know I must've sounded like a really raspy Tara Reid, at best, but at the very least, a very bad drag queen...LOL Anyway....

I get Joe's attention and ask him what stuffed animal is in the window. He turned and looked RIGHT AT ME (GAH!!! That Mac Stare!!) and said that it was "Road Dawg" and belonged to the bus driver. I know I said something else, but at this point in time, I don't remember what it was. Shannon hollered out that he was killing us in those jeans (yes, was THE Jeans). He just grinned and I swear the man shimmmied his butt at us.

Barrett & the baby came out shortly thereafter and the cameras went away (except for some girls down the row that Earl yelled at later...seriously? Shame on you!). Griffin had on an adorable little Boston Red Sox cap and Barrett was gorgeous as always. I told her what a wonderful woman she was and thanked her for being so tolerant of the psychosis we bring to their lives. I'm forever in awe at what a beautiful family they are. They all went inside and excitement died down for a little while again.

This is where things get bear with me. LOL
At some point, somebody got off one of the buses and walked to the back. We didn't realize it until he came back and got back on the bus, but it was Jon. Sneaky little brat! Shortly thereafter, Donnie came back out with Jordan & Jon (again). Neither of them came over to the fence, though. Jordan did a little "paparazzi dance" and went inside and Donnie got on the BDB.

A little while later, Danny came out with the girls and they went inside. He gave waves again. :)

A few minutes after that, Donnie's bodyguard (Sorry, I can't remember his name) came out and said that he was gonna go down the line again and if you were out there before and got hugs, to please step back and let those come forward who hadn't met him before. We all stepped back, except for Shannon, but at our end of the line, it had thinned down considerably. We waited a few minutes and when nobody stepped forward, we went back against the gate. (and no, I don't feel the least bit guilty! LOL)

Donnie headed toward the front of the line and slowly worked his way down toward us. He looked at Shelby and she must've been shivering or something because he said "Little one, are you okay??" She muttered or nodded yes and he pulled her in close again, stroked her hair, kissed the top of her head and she said he even made a little "aww" sound as he hugged her. (Couldn't you just DIE?!)

He got to Sarah and apparently recognized her from before (even though she'd ditched her hat and zipped up her hoodie) and asked her "Didn't we meet before?" She just kinda nodded and grinned...he moved on (so sorry, Sarah! But hey?? DONNIEFRIGGINWAHLBERG recognized you!!!). He moved onto Manda...and apologized for kicking a pop can over and spilling on her shoes.

I have to stop for a moment and brag about the "Mamarazzi Skillz" my daughter has developed. For this having been her maiden voyage into full blown StalkFest, she delivered BIG. She managed to get this shot of Jon when he came off the Dark Knight bus.

At this point, I'm realizing that I have ONE shot at this...and I've heard that sometimes, if you ask for what you want, you get it. So Donnie gets to me and I can't even look him in the eye. I just look at his mouth (Sapmonster warning: that gorgeous, amazing, beautiful mouth) and ask him "Donnie, can I have a kiss??" He says, as he hugs me, "I can't lipkiss you, baby, you could get sick from me, but..." and he kissed me on the corner of my mouth and hugged me tight. *insert fangirl shrieks here* Before he pulls away entirely, I find myself petting his coat and saying "My God, it IS like buttah!!" He just laughs and squeezes my arm. He made his way through the rest of the line and disappeared inside. Shortly thereafter, Jon came back from behind the buses CrackBerrying & talking to a woman I didn't recognize and they, too, went inside.

Three hours had passed since we first whipped out of the car and tore across the street, but it all flew by SO quickly. A few quick words and a couple of hugs and our Face Time had ended. But those few moments, while mixed up and fuzzy, will remain in my mind forever.

I've been a fan for 20+ years and each concert I've been to, I've gotten closer and closer to being able to touch & talk to them. This experience was truly a dream come true. Such an overused phrase, but honestly? There's no other way to describe it. I always wondered what I would say if I ever met them. For two decades I've rehearsed clever commentary, witty banter and when they're right there in front of you, it all disappears. You find yourself clamoring for words at all, much less words that work together to form a cohesive thought. If I had to give advice to anyone wondering how to get Face Time, relax. It WILL happen, but you have to be committed to it. You can't stand at the curb and wait for them to come to you. You can't remain a wallflower and expect a conversation to happen. The guys are on a tight schedule (Donnie had several interviews he had to do before M&G time and it was only about an hour before that would've begun), so what you do get will be quick. Don't waste an opportunity or it will pass you by. Be aggressive, but not pushy. It's a delicate balance. Above all, remember that these guys owe us NOTHING. Even a wave from the buses is more than many of us will ever get. Take what you can get.

As far as the concert went, it too was amazing. In August 1989, I went to my first concert: NKOTB. Last Monday, I took my daughter to her first concert: NKOTB. Being able to share this experience with her was so much more awesome than even the hugs and kisses I got from Donnie. I watched that little girl's face light up again and again in wonderment of what was happening around her and I remember back to my first show. And I know my first concert experience wasn't nearly as cool as hers was. I didn't get "Face Time" or a backstage pass. And here my baby girl is getting hugs and cuddles from one of the men I've loved and adored for my entire life. It can only be described as surreal. She has memories that I worked my whole life to get. I'm still brought to tears by the fact that she got to experience this.

To the guys - I've rambled on and on here. I don't know that you've even read it, but if you have, I just want to tell you THANK YOU. I know you've said it to us again and again for our support through the years, but honestly, you deserve so much more than just "thanks" for what you've done. We were left in such a dark place in 1994 when you left the stage. Because of your reunion, your desire to return to've helped us reunite with friends we haven't talked to since high school. You've helped us become friends with new people all across the world (thanks to these boards). You've helped us share with our own children what you gave to us so many years ago. With all my heart and everything that's in me, I thank you so deeply for all of this and more. Thank you for your constant communication with us, the blogs, the vlogs, the Tweets, the shoutouts, the "eyesex" from the stage, all of it. YOU are amazing and I love you all so much.
