Saturday, July 10, 2010

Once and for all...

I'm going to go against my own advice of ignoring the haters and address an "apology" that circulated today from the creator of @NKsTruthTable.

I may come to regret my decision to give this person any more attention than they've already gotten, but let's be honest, I'm not one to keep my mouth shut for long. (Apparently this is one of their complaints about me. Ironic, huh?)

The blog that was posted today can be found here, but just in case they decide to remove the blog, I've taken a screen cap of what was said. (click on the picture to see it full-size)
I want to break apart what she's saying so there's no questions or generalities in my response then I will address the "apology" as a whole.

1. "Many people have labeled me as a negative person."
You are. Your tweets (whether as NKsTruthtable or yourself) almost always have a negative tone. If this weren't the case, you wouldn't have been banned from ning and other chat sites like you have. I sense this probably only continues the cycle of negativity, but there you have it.

2. "Pointing out the obvious..."
If it's that obvious, then you don't need to "point it out." It's obvious. That's what obvious means.

3. "Am I going to put my read ID on this page for everyone to blast? Absolutely not."
Let the cowardice continue. I'll play your game. I won't out you. Your "sisters" will do that for you quickly enough. But if you had any inkling of courage, you'd admit your faults as yourself and not behind some "anonymous" blog.

4. "I have lost a few good friends because of my views. They have pointed out that they are “disappointed” in me."
And this is what this "apology" stems from. You're not sorry for the things you've done or said, the people you've hurt and spread lies about. You're sorry because you've lost friends and you feel lonely. That's not where true regret comes from. That's just a side effect.

5. "This is not something I intended, however it has happened."
What exactly did you intend? Because all I see is someone who wants to gossip and backstab (hence the "anonymous" name) and if you think that won't hurt someone's feelings, you're more ignorant than I gave you credit for.

6. "I have been called a cowered, a bitch, jealous among other things. It is true I do have alittle of each one of those inside me."
At least you own up to it. Although, this isn't news to us you've blasted either through Twitter or over at what I've termed "Asshole Alley" and the other gossip sites you belong to.

7. "One thing I am NOT is a hater. I despise that word and I think it is overused."
Just because you don't like the word doesn't mean you're not one. It can be overused, but I think in this particular case, it's on-point. Cowards, bitches and jealous people are also haters. Kindness certainly doesn't step from profiles like yours. It's hate. You have perpetuated hate and in doing that, you've defined yourself as a hater. We didn't give you that label. You gave it to yourself.

8. "My views are just as important as anyone else's."
You're right, they are. We're all entitled to our opinions - right, wrong or otherwise. However, when I express my opinion, I do it under the same name I've used for years. I do it as myself with my own face and my own words. I don't hide behind some bullshit account so nobody knows its me. I give my opinion freely and without reserve. That may be a character flaw - according to you and those on Asshole Alley, it is - but at least nobody has to wonder where I stand or if I'm talking shit behind their back. Those who are 'friends' with you don't have that luxury.

Am I glad that @NKsTruthTable is being shut down? Absolutely. But unfortunately, it's too late to fix the damage you've done. And I tend to think that your absence won't last long. You'll be back again. Probably sooner than I suspect and most definitely filled with more venom than you have now. I find that sad. I bet you could be a nice person if you tried. I don't know you face to face - don't care to at this point - but that's the thing. The gossip you spread, the hate you perpetuated, the trash you talked was about people you don't even know. We're profiles on a computer screen. A nameless face in the crowd at a concert. If you spent more time getting to KNOW the people you judge so carelessly, you might learn something.

On a personal level and having been one of the people who was discussed so freely over on Asshole Alley, I feel its only fair to let you know that I forgive you. Once I post this blog, as far as I'm concerned, it's over. I will also be apologizing to someone I've spent far too much time being irritated by. (See? Even I can learn something in all this.)

I don't expect everyone to like me. With a mouth and opinionated nature like mine, I know there will be people like you who talk shit about me. And that's fine. It used to bother me, I won't lie. But with age comes wisdom and with wisdom comes acceptance of my flaws. I'm flawed. shrugging I'm human. I'm entitled to be flawed.

The thing you need to remember a fellow human being, its not your job to point out my flaws. It's your job to accept me despite them. You don't have to like me, but you do need to accept our differences. There's a big difference between the two.

I hope that whatever you hoped to accomplish with your "apology" is what you got by posting it. I also hope you've learned from the mistakes you made. Life's too short to fill it with meanness.

I also hope that if you hear nothing hear this: YOU are in charge of choosing what you fill your life with. If you've surrounded yourself with hate, drama and lies, that's what you will breed. If you're filled with negativity, cowardice and jealousy, ask yourself why, but more importantly ask yourself if you want to stay that way. If you do, then I congratulate you on a turbulent life filled with rejection. If not, then I wish you luck in making the changes necessary to be happy, or at the very least content.

I personally have no issues with you at this point. But I will say this, if you fuck with me or my sisters again, you're gonna need to run fast, run long and run hard.

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