Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We interrupt your program to bring you the following news bulletin:

I'm sitting here tonight evaluating the psychosis that has become my life. In that self-evaluation, I've learned that I'm beyond fucked up. My priorities are so screwed up and the worst part?? I don't care. I don't want to fix them.

For those who know me, you know I'm a huge New Kids on the Block fan. I have been for 20 years and I will be forever. I'm part of numerous websites and follow the guys lives pretty closely. I haven't met any of them, but recently came close at a reunion concert in Kansas City in November.

On one of the fan sites today, a woman posted about how she got some "face time" (got to meet them) with Donnie Wahlberg for the second week in a row on the set of Bunker Hill in Boston. This was what she wrote:

"Ok Divas, you're all gonna think I'm crazy but I just got back from getting more facetime with Donnie (and Robo too)!!!

I met my girl Phyllis in East Boston and we got to meet Donnie and get pics with him. We talked with Robo for a good 20 minutes too. He gave me a cup of tea he had bought for Donnie. Walked over and handed it to me. I said "what's this?" and Robo said e had gotten it for Donnie but someone else got him one first. Donnie asked Robo if there were any fans outside and said to give it to one of us because we were probably freezing. So Robo gave it to me!

I'm pretty sure I'm just completely insane! I was literally in and out, it was real quick this time, not too much waiting around. Robo confirmed a summer tour but then said that would be the end of the New Kids :( He was soooo sweet, gave us lots of info and kept coming back over to us. Donnie looked exhausted but was nice enough to pose for pics again. As he was walking across the street to us he wouldn't take his eyes off me. I think the wheels were spinning and he was thinking, "didn't I just see this girl", lol! I smiled at him though and he just smiled back. As I was getting my pic (which Robo took) I said to Donnie, "Look Robo is so sweet he gave me your tea." To which Donnie replied, "Well what are you gonna do with it?" I just laughed and sarcastically said "I'm drinking it Donnie Wahlberg, what do you think I'm gonna do with it?" He just laughed back and said alright!"


I've dealt with a lot of losses in my life: both my parents, a child, my best friend, numerous relatives and acquaintances....but I haven't felt this heartbroken in a VERY long time.

Speaking rationally*, how much sense does it make to take the time, energy and resources to reunite a group THIS big with this huge of a following only to have them stick around a year?? 500,000 people paid for tickets to their shows on their three month tour. I can't speak for everyone, but my tickets alone cost $80 each. That's not counting the $375 5* seats that covered the first ten rows for each show.

And think about what this will do to ALL the fans, not just me. We have waited over sixteen years for this to happen...we've been swept back out to sea with their music, their talent, their charm, their devotion and love for us. Are they going to walk away again?

If this does turn out to be true, I will have lost some major respect for these guys. Nobody who loves their fans would do this to them. Not now. Not ever.

If you'll excuse me now, I'm going to go back into my little box and not going to pay attention to these HORRIBLE vicious rumors!!

And God bless my friends on the forums who WEREN'T part of that horrific thread that tore my life apart....they posted these for me:

- yes, I know how dangerous of a word "rational" can be for someone in my state of mind, but I promise you, this is NOT the psychosis talking

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