Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Your ice cream is cold. What are you gonna do?

Are you gonna bitch? By the sounds of the boards and Twitter, I think some of you would!

What is with ALL the complaining about everything NK related lately?

Really? I mean seriously?? THIS is how you want to be known? The perpetually p*ssed off fan?

Some people get face time. Some don't.
Some people go to a lot of shows. Some don't.
Some people went on the cruise. Some didn't.
Some states will get to see the guys this summer. Some won't.
Some are given backstage & VIP. Some aren't.
THIS is LIFE. It's not our RIGHT to have these things. It's a privilege.


We are owed absolutely NOTHING by these guys.

Now, please don't jump all over me telling me that I'm overreacting ...that you're just bummed about a cancellation or a "so-close-but-not-quite" face time experience. I am in complete agreement that things like that happen. I've had it happen, myself. I totally understand it. We've all been disappointed from time to time. I'm talking about those fans who aren't happy no matter WHAT happens. No matter how many shows they see, how many times they've gotten to meet them, have pictures taken, get autographs, etc....they complain.

If you fall into that category, you need to evaluate why you're here and what you want out of this experience.

Every second these guys are here. Every song. Every smile. Every autograph. Every Tweet. Every blog. Every video. Every concert. Every cruise. Every picture. Every single breath they take that involves us.....is a gift.

Let's not forget that, please??

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