Sunday, June 7, 2009

NYC with NKOTB (or "Shut up! It's done, isn't it?!")

NYC - Part 1 (or "What the fuck was I thinking?!")
My trip to NYC was something that completely just kinda came together on its own. I say this because of all the places I've said I wanted to visit, New York City wasn't at the top of the list. Hell, it didn't even really make the top ten. I'd always wanted to be in Times Square on New Year's Eve, but that didn't really count as a visit in my book.

So when my NKOTB concerts were over with in early April, I made the comment to some friends "I need another show before summer." I'd heard early on that the guys were going to do the Today Show the first part of May and I knew my girls, Sprinkles & Glennie were planning on going, but I also knew there was just NO way it was an option for me. Aside from the murder factor from my husband, there was the sheer cost of it. Flight, hotel, cab/bus/subway fare, food, etc....there was just *no* way. It wasn't even anything I'd considered. Would it be fun? Of course, but so would the cruise and I wasn't going to do that either. New York wasn't even remotely a blip on my radar.

And then Donnie starts in with his Tweets:
"May 3rd! Boston. May 8th Today Show!!! WTF!!!!!! Get yo asses to the east coast!!!!!"

"May is a big month- Parties, cruise, the Tour and THE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY RETURN TO THE TODAY SHOW!!!! Let's all celebrate it together!!!"

"GET TO BOSTON if you can! Get to Miami if you can! GET TO NYC IF YOU GOT AN OUNCE OF BLOOD IN YOUR BODY!!!!!!!!!!"
People- I am bringing 50 FULL SERVICE TOUR tickets to The Today Show!!! Who wants to get a pair???? Come see us!! Don't sleep! ONE YEAR!"
Then Jordan pipes in:
"Sneak peak at the Full Service Tour next friday on the Today Show. Dont just watch....get down there. We need you there. I need you there!!!"


Donnie's buying show tickets for people there, I will buy plane tickets for those who cant get there. Who wants to come?!!!!"
"are you coming to see us in NYC may 8 at the today show?!?! you need to be there. special suprises n prizes just for our fans!"
I make the comment to Sprinkles about needing a show before summer..that I simply wasn't going to last until the end of June without a show. She says "Come to NYC. We'll take careya. (all one word, btw...yes, they really speak that way in Jersey)" Glennie says the same thing. "You fly into Newark and we'll take it from there. We'll figure it all out," they say.

Did I *really* stand a chance? I mean, REALLY? I might as well be Catholic for the guilt I feel sometimes. Besides, Jordan did say please.

Before I knew it, I was convincing my husband that this was a grand idea (I wasn't yet convinced myself, btw....I deserve an OSCAR for my performance in "Desperate Housewife in Need of New Kids") and by week's end, I had e-tickets for the plane and a tentative plan for my trip. Leave Thursday, May 7th, fly into Newark, come home Sunday, May 10th. Flight #....


What the HELL am I doing??!

I hate crowds. My body literally shuts down in new situations. Public transportation? What's that?? I don't ride the bus for God's sake! What in urban HELL was I thinking when I decided I could handle the NYC subway?? Panic attacks, while not all that prevalent in my everyday life, DO still happen. I've lost my mind. That's it! I've lost my ever. Lovin'. Mind.


Breathe, Melanie. BREATHE!

Seriously. DawnL, Tara and Tracy all talked to me....or did they talk me down. I'm not sure, really. But bless their hearts, they convinced me that I could handle this trip. I studied those subway maps until I knew them inside out. I bought a $7 laminated map of Manhattan at Borders before I went and studied that, too. Before I went to sleep the night before my trip, I would close my eyes and see the contrasting lines of the streets & subways on the backs of my eyelids. I. Had. This. (Maybe?! EEEEEK!!!!)

NYC - Part 2 (or "I can't friggin' believe I'm actually DOING this!!")
Throughout the week before my trip, I coordinated with my girls who were planning on being there. BoilerFan & DiznyPrincess were both flying in from California Thursday. The Ohio Road Dawgs were driving in sometime Wednesday night. Kavi was talking about being there for the performance Friday. Then of course, my Jersey Girls: Sprinkles & Glennie. When I bought my ticket, I had NO idea whatsoever where I was staying or with whom I was sharing this journey. I just knew that I had a flight in and a flight out. Somewhere there was mention of a shuttle to Jersey. Talk about a hotel stay. details. Just chatter. (Note to new readers: I don't travel like this. Ever.)

It wasn't until a couple of days before I left that my details were finalized (somewhat..because let's face it: with NK fans, there are no TRUE final details....we ALL fly by the seats of our pants). Thursday night would be spent on the streets, insuring my place in line for the show the following morning. Friday night, I'd stay with the Ohio girls at the Hyatt (yay!! a bed!!) and Saturday, I was taking a bus to Jersey to crash at Sprinkles' house. The rest of the plan was still fuzzy, but at least I knew where I was to lay my pretty Midwestern head each night.

Please notice that NOWHERE in that paragraph did I use the word "sleep." This note will come in handy later.

Wednesday comes and I've studied my ass off. In fact, I'm quite positive I studied the maps harder than I studied my textbooks throughout my entire college career. (My NYC success compared to my college success proves this point, as well.) I've developed a little plan of attack for the things I want to see while I'm there. I've packed my suitcase. I even packed lightly! I managed to get ALL my stuff in just TWO little carry-ons with plenty of room left for souvenirs on my way home. I. ROCK!

I *finally* haul myself to bed about midnight Wednesday night. The alarm goes off (okay..alarms. Plural. There was NO way I was missing my flight!) about 2:30 and I drag from my bed and straight to the shower. Dear Lord, this was NOT the way to start my trip. Shower, shave and a quick dress and I'm ready!! (Nate, btw...not so much.) An hour later? I'm enroute to the airport.

In lieu of a long-tearful-Melly-can't-handle-mushy-goodbyes goodbye, we opt for Nate dropping me off at the door. (MUCH better option than my trip last July when I took the bus to Indianapolis and cried the first hour of my bus ride, btw. MUST remember this for future solo trips.) I plug my driver's license into the kiosk and a few seconds later, I'm on my way with ticket in hand.

Damn! That was easy!!

A relatively quick pass through security (okay, so I forgot to take my belt and jacket off, but hey..nobody had to pull me aside and pat me down. We're already a step ahead of Philly '04, aight?!), a stop for a Coke ($2.50?! WTF!?) at the cafe, a brief wait at the gate and before I know it, I'm settled in on the plane.

Another quick note to self: the 5:10 flight to ANYWHERE rocks. Remember this for future trips.

It's still dark, the plane is only about half-full and I have an ENTIRE row to myself! I dig out the iPod, turn out the light and for one blissful hour, I'm in heaven. Have you ever seen the sunrise from above the clouds? It's the most AMAZING sight. I wish I'd been on the other side of the plane so I could've photographed it. was beautiful. My flight to my Minneapolis connection was blissful. No turbulence. No ear popping. No noise whatsoever, actually. Even the landing was smooth. Yesssssssssssss.................

NYC - Part 3 (or "We're all gonna die in a fiery hell!")
The Minneapolis airport wasn't too bad, though the screen for my gate had me going to Fargo. (Fargo? Really? Who goes to Fargo on purpose, for God's sake?) Obviously a glitch in the system. Within an hour, I'm on my connecting flight and bound for New Jersey.

I spend the next two hours hunkered down in my seat next to a large man (thankfully someone familiar with deoderant) who has me forced to spill myself into the aisle (only to be whacked in the elbow by the drink cart a'la Wedding Singer style). Somehow, I managed to fall asleep for about an hour only to be awoken by a sudden drop in altitude. Nothing like plummeting a thousand feet in your sleep. How I refrained from shouting "OH MY GOD, WE'RE GOING DOWN!!!!" is beyond me, but I somehow managed to bite my tongue. Those around me would no doubt be grateful for my restraint.

I glance out the window and while I don't see smoke or flames, I'm suddenly struck with the realization that the clouds we're soaring above are the same ones we'll have to fly THROUGH in order to land. In my experience clouds = turbulence. Turbulence = fiery crash. Fiery crash = death. NOT in my plan for this weekend, thank you!!

Sure enough...the plane begins lofting from one side to the other. Then we drop a good 5,000 feet in the blink of an eye. Sweet Jesus. We're gonna die! I go white-knuckled as I clench the arms of my seat. Thoughts of "French Kiss" and Meg Ryan's little "I love Paris in the spring" song start going through my head....then, I begin to pray like a maniac, trying to sum all of my sins into a six-second time frame (WOW, did I leave a lot out!), hoping God will accept my all-inclusive "I've sucked as a human being" apology and let me into Heaven after the crash. He does pro-bono work, right?

Apparently God either rejected my confession or he didn't feel like sorting through the mess because we thankfully began our descent into Newark and landed safely (I use that term quite loosely, thankyouverymuch!). Had the jetway floor not been so filthy, I would've kissed it when I stepped off the plane. SOMEBODY at Northwest Airlines is getting a well-versed letter, lemme tell you.

I finally gather my wits and my luggage (though I sense both were stowed in different areas of the plane) and make my way toward the United gate to wait for my girl, Jaceypants, who is due to arrive in about an hour.

Bathroom, tedious handwashing (and yet another squirt of Purell - no pig flu for me, thanks!) and a $10 bagel sandwich later, I gather Jaceypants from her plane and we make our way to ground transport for our shuttle ride to Sprinkles' house in Jersey.

NYC - Part 4 (or "Why the hell do they call this the Garden State?")

Jersey. Is. A. Swamp. Seriously. The humidity is overwhelming and the rain is miserable.

Our shuttle driver obviously learned how to drive by playing Pole Position in the 80's and I'm convinced the plane ride was the safer of these two forms of transportation. We make several stops at the various terminals at the Newark airport and I now know the meaning of "near-miss." I can't BELIEVE he didn't take off mirrors and bumpers as he weaved in and out of stops. My nerves were shot on the plane, so I'm raw at this point and it takes very little to send me into a heart-stopping gasp. I firmly believe our shuttle driver knows this and is a sadistic little bastard. Fortunately, we're on the turnpike before too long and on our way to Sprinkles.

She picks Jaceypants and me up at the shuttle stop and I'm so grateful! I lay my eyes on that precious baby O of hers and my fears from earlier are over. O-Man is a little safe-haven and just one little belly-rub away from Donnie (I'll tell you the story if you're interested). Those big blue eyes look up at me and I realize I have not only survived, but I'm gonna have a BLAST this weekend! I can't WAIT!

We head back to Sprinkles' house to wait for Glennie and the sitter before Mama's Weekend Out commences. Sprinkles has made Jacey and I dinner: an AMAZING baked ziti & fresh bread. SO good!! I shamelessly help myself to two servings. A refresh of the make-up a quick change of clothes and we're ready!!

Glennie arrives shortly before the pizza and the sitter. She shares a "Team Wahlberg" shirt with me (remind me to send thank you's and winning lotto numbers to her as this shirt is GOLD when it comes to turning DEW's eye in NYC!) and I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I'm really here! This is really happening! OMIGOD!

Of course, we are a bit disappointed by all the damn rain, but Sprinkles assures us that the weather man says it will be gone by 6pm. I hope so because if there's anything worse than sleeping on the streets of NYC, it's sleeping on the streets of NYC in the fuckin' rain.

The sitter arrives about 5:30, some Q&A by this darling little Mary Poppins creature (whom I'm totally kidnapping for myself...shhh, don't tell Sprinkles) about our obsession and we're OFF! Squeeeeee!!!!!!!!

NYC - Part 5 (or "Panic Attack, party of one?")
It set the mood, according to Sprinkles.
(She's really not as sweet n' innocent as she claims, I'm thinkin!)

Sprinkles & Glennie
With Sprinkles at the wheel, a van load of baked goods (for bribery purposes, of course) and a mission, Jaceypants, Glennie and I are on our way to the big city! Despite some struggles on the Jersey Pike (see? I'm already getting the slang down!), it doesn't take us long to get to the.

What's that?
Oh! "Why'd I stop?"


I asked the same thing as we neared the Lincoln Tunnel. For those who aren't familiar, as you take the pike into the city, there are a series of overpasses right before the Tunnel. As we neared these overpasses, traffic came to a COMPLETE STANDSTILL. On a Thursday night? Seriously? WTF? It took us at least 45 mins to get from that first overpass to the toll booth right before the tunnel. Literally speaking, it's just a little over a mile from the first overpass to the toll booth, but it was complete insanity traffic-wise. I just closed my eyes and prayed for daylight. (Those who know me know I Don't. Do. Traffic.) After some snarky bitch in a U-Haul cut us off (and consequently got yelled at by a cute Guido in an SV on our behalf), we FINALLY made it to the tunnel.
My first view of Manhattan, btw.



As in under-the-fucking-RIVER tunnel?

I. Don't. Think. So.

And so begins the next round of hyperventilation, hot flashes and sweaty palms.

Fortunately, as Sprinkles pointed out - the windows on the van are up. I can't drown.

Ahh, Sprinkles, the eternal optimist.
The light at the end of the tunnel.

Defying gravity, physics and everything natural to my Midwestern mind, I make it through this tunnel with breath to spare. Long enough to lose it again as we pull into Times Square near Port Authority.

Sweet Christ!

WHY are there so many people?!!! And WHY must they walk so close to the van? Get AWAY from us!!! Go! There's a cross walk. USE it!!! EEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!!! Panic sets in. It's over. I'm done. The heart palpitations begin. My palms get sweaty. I can feel my body temperature rise. I begin to sweat and breath shallowly. And the piece d'resistance? Tears. Oh yeah. Streaming down my cheeks. I'm in full-fledged anxiety attack.

NYC - Part 6 (or "Please don't kill me in my sleep for line jumping!")

God bless Jaceypants for consoling me and talking me through my panic attack. I hadn't had one this bad in YEARS and let's just say, thank God I was there for NKOTB because had it been anything less, I honestly think I would've turned around and gone back home. It was *that* bad.

Before long, I was laughing at myself and we were circling the blocks (blinders, baby....blinders. I didn't look ANYWHERE but forward...and UP) until we arrived near Rockefeller Plaza. I say "near" instead of "at" because where we needed to be wasn't really "at" the Plaza. It was on the street about a half a block in the other direction. There were already probably 150 people in line or so (Glennie had kept track via cell with the girls who were waitin' in line for us. Thank God for cell phones!) and from what my friend Heidi'd said, the natives were growing restless with line jumpers. Eeek. I *hate* causing conflict (Shut up. I do.)

Sprinkles pulled up to where our girl Clarita was waiting and Jacey and I jumped out. Horns fired off in impatience as my ass hauled from the backseat, but I managed to NOT flip off anyone in retaliation (yay me!). We nonchalantly walked over and pretended to converse with 'rita until the security guy came over and told us to get in line or move along. So what were we supposed to do? Line jump, of course. (The Brooklyn girls behind us were NOT happy, though I was surprised to hear more guff from their 6 yr old than the adults with her.)
That's our 'rita to the left of the parking meter in the forefront.

We chatted with Clarita for a while and people we were familiar with came and went, each carrying brief conversations. The Ohio Road Dawgs had insured their place quite a bit closer to the front of the line, so we didn't get to chat much with them, but we did visit back and forth as we'd pass from one place to the next. A couple hours later, Boilerfan & Dizny (aka "Cali girls") texted me to let me know they were FINALLY on their way to the Plaza. I dreaded the attitude Miss Thang and her caretakers would fire off at us. (Again - not a fan of conflict.) Sure enough when they arrived...." many more people you gonna let in here? First it was two, now four?" I told them very politely "Actually, three of them have VIP, so it's not really that many of us that are actually in line here, once they split out fan pass peeps. It's all good, I promise." Of course, I didn't tell her that the three vips didn't include but one of us, but then I could TOTALLY make friends with these girls.

First view of the Rockefeller Center

A sculpture at Rockefeller Plaza

The flags surrounding Rockefeller Plaza

The view of Rockefeller Plaza from NBC Studios

As the night went on, some of us split off and walked around the block to see the sights. Sprinkles, Glennie, Jacey & 'rita (aka "VIP girls") invited me to go with them to get a drink. They knew how much I would benefit from a nerve calming concoction. One Tennessee Peach thingie (yes, that's a technical term) later and I was much more relaxed. I wasn't hungry, as my Cali girls had brought me a burger when they arrived, but I did stick around for the chatter (and one DAMN good fried plantain (see my "NYC Firsts" blog). We all laughed and chatted a bit, took some pictures and really enjoyed each other's company. As I've said in other blogs, I don't make friends with other women very easily, so this camaraderie was extremely appreciated and not a second was taken for granted.
I didn't notice until later that mine was the only drink with a pineapple chunk. *snort*

Me with Glennie to the left and Clarita on the right.
Jaceypants & Sprinkles - you can see we're not drunk..just a little sleep-deprived, maybe.
Jaceypants thinkin' she's gonna take a pic of me. LOL
The rest of the night was really quite a blur of details that I know I've forgotten parts of. For that I apologize. I will try to list some that stand out in my mind...

NYC Part 7 (or "I've seen CATS smaller than that sucker!")

For the majority of the night, the VIP girls were in their hotel room and the Cali girls and I were camped out in line. Thankfully they'd had the foresight to bring blankets with them (not that I'd have had the room in my carry-on even if I had remembered) and we weren't too uncomfortable. The three of us did, however, burn through our BB batteries with Twitter updates and texts to friends. My one lesson learned the hard way was not buying one of those battery-powered phone chargers. (This will *NOT* be forgotten next round of concerts, btw.) So...Boilerfan and I found the single available outlet in Manhattan at 3 in the morning and managed to suck a couple bars of electricity from McDonald's. (Oh stuff it Ronald, like it REALLY costs you $2.59 for a 32oz Coke. Throw me a bone here!) We had fun people-watching and bonded well (again with the girlfriend thing. SO super cool!!).
Now keep in mind, people were stopping alllllll night long asking us questions about who we were waiting for...what we were doing, etc. After a while we just started fucking with people. "Metallica!" "Fleetwood Mac!" "Grateful Dead" were common responses by those around us. (We're nothing if not a creative bunch!) We got a variety of responses when we told them the truth, though: "Didn't they break up?" "Wow, I didn't know they were still together." "Ha! Have fun with that." And a variety of nasal-based noises were added by those who thought we were ridiculous. At one point, an obvious New Yawker (the accent, hello?!) stopped long enough to carry on a conversation with us and the Brooklyn girls. He was actually pretty entertaining, choosing favorites in the group - tormented by Miss Thang when he picked HER favorite...then ridiculed again for picking the "ugliest" of the group.
A pic Boilerfan discretely shot with her BB of our New Yawkah.
Poor Anthony Gambino just couldn't win. No. I'm not making that up. Nor am I making up the fact that he flirted shamelessly with me. Figures....if any of us could pick up a NY Native (not to mention one with a crime family name, no less), it would be me. All in all, it really wasn't too bad a night, despite the no sleep thing. Oh, and the roach who was bigger than most housecats who decided to pay us a couple visits.


At some point, Mr Dizny (a bucket of fun, I might add!) joined us and he took the Cali girls back to their hotel to get cleaned up, changed and recharged (not just battery-speaking) before the show. Shortly thereafter, our VIP girls showed up again, since sleep wasn't had. Apparently whether you're literally laying on the streets of NYC or laying on Egyptian cotton sheets in a $200 a night hotel room a few blocks away, sleep is overrated where NKOTB are concerned. Of course, to their defense, they *were* staying at the same hotel as the guys. I don't know I could've slept either, truth be told. I was content to rest my legs by sprawling out beneath the street light for about an hour somewhere around 3am.
With one final trip to the McD's bathroom (and no. I didn't buy anything this time. I'm still pissed about that Coke, Mayor McCheese!), we were set for the rest of the night/morning...Jesus is that REALLY the sun coming up?! By now, the VIPs have begun lining up on the OTHER side of the Plaza and our spot in line has moved up CONSIDERABLY. The tension with the Brooklyn girls has now diminished and we've actually made friends with them (told you so). Despite no sleep, we have actually done quite well and apparently reached our second (third? fourth?) wind. At this point, we are ready for the show. Of course, we're HOURS away, according to Jordan's tweet last night stating the weren't performing until 8:45. Uggh.
Fortunately, just as I start getting impatient, my Twitter friend, Shayminn (Ooh! Shameless plug!! had arrived after driving up from Boston. heart belongs to NKOTB and my husband (not necessarily in that order)...but I tell you what, Shayminn gives some DAMN good hugs! I didn't think he was gonna let me go! (Not to mention he smells SUPAH good!) It was really cool getting to meet him and talk to him in person considering how much we've chatted on Twitter. Of course, Mister Security Guard comes by and tells him to move along, so he went to get his place in line...which has quickly filled back up to where it was before they split out the VIPs. I'm pretty surprised at how many people actually got there so close to showtime. While there were quite a few people in front of us in line, I was very grateful to have gotten there when we did. I wouldn't want to be stuck so far in the back like these slackers were!

We kill probably another hour before we notice some bright production-style lights come out of the plaza in front of us. What the he...



NYC Part 8 (or I slept on the pavement and here I am, hugging a guy in an Armani suit)

There they are.

Holy crap!

(insert peals of fangirl screams)

Ooh..wait. Where are they going?
VIP line!

This sucks. Oh well...not like I expected any FaceTime anyway, right?

Wait. Are those lights coming closer?

(more peals of fangirl screams)

OMG! They are coming over here!!!
I slept on the street last night. Well, I didn't even sleep. I laid on the street last night. Dirty. Filthy. Concrete. That was after I spent 12 hours traveling from Iowa to New York. I look like death. I probably smell like it, too and what's happening? The five hottest men on the planet are making their way toward me right now. This is like getting into a car accident without having on clean underwear.

I'm DYING here!!!

Pushy people start line jumping and I break away from my dream-come-true to reality for a brief second to shriek at the woman shoving her DD's into my back trying to get closer to "JOEY JOE! OMG! JOEY JOE!" Seriously? A 36-yr old man probably no longer refers to himself by his 14 yr old nickname, but thanks for screaming it repeatedly in my ear. I stand my do my girls..and we're RIGHT at the fence as they come up. Of course, we've been shoved forward and to the side a little bit, but we're still here.

And there. is. Jordan.
He gets to where we're at and stops. Starts talking to us like we're long-lost friends. "So...who's goin' to Jones Beach??" I shake my head and frown..."Nah...I'm from's just not a possibility for me."

"Iowa, huh? Wow..that's a long ways!" he says.

The girls behind us say (in their thick Brooklyn accents, I might add) "We'd love to, but we can't afford tickets for all three of us." He turns around, motions to his bodyguard and spins back around..."KA-BAM! You're goin' to JONES BEACH!" They're *SO* excited!! I'm happy for them, too. Bummed, obviously that I won't be going, but super excited for them.

I ask Jordan.."Can I get a hug since I'm not going to Jones Beach?"
He answers, "Absolutely!! C'meah!" (DYING!! GAH!)

And he hugs me....and rubs my back a little bit while he squeezes. I've never been a Jordan girl. EVER. He's got a great body and the boy can sing and dance, but he's just never tripped my trigger. But I have to say...he definitely pled his case via that hug. WOW!

Mmm. Oooh..who's next?
Ol' Blue Eyes!
Evil Genius...Hottie MacBooty Tractah.
I could be in trouble here.

Wait. I survived the MacStare in Des Moines, didn't I? Yes! I did! I can do it agai......*gasp*
FYI? There is NO surviving THAT.

Now..keep in mind, this boy has been sending TwitPics of himself in his underwear sitting poolside....close-ups of his wonky eyebrows while giving us that MacStare.I had FULLY intended to chew him out for trying to sway me from Team Wahlberg. But he looked at me and I lost all function in my brain. Somehow I was able to mutter "Can I get a picture with you, Joe?" To which he replied, "Of couahse!" and put his arm around me.
And what happens? Somebody distracts Joe and somebody walks DIRECTLY between us and the camera. Grr! (But that is TOTALLY his arm around me!! GAH!!) He squeezes my shoulder and hugs me in to his side. I melt.

le sigh.

There he goes..

Who's next?? OOH! Danny!! Click. Click. Click. Click. For my daughter, who's madly in love with Danny. She's gonna KILL me for being so close to him without her. He's talking to everybody around me and I don't want to interrupt (not to mention, Little One would KILL me if I get a hug without her here), so I just smile and keep snapping pictures.
I keep watching for Jon and Donnie, but Jon's long since disappeared and since the cops & security have yelled at us several times to back up, I can't blame him. I wouldn't want to be in that chaos with just a 'caution' tape blocking me from certain sexual assault either. Donnie, of course, is snagged up by some "women of questionable reptuation," shall we say? and makes it no further down the line. He's such a man, like that. Lucky for him, I love him. Sooner than we realize, the guys are on their way back for sound check.

I seriously just hugged a guy in a suit that probably cost more than I make in a year and I look like *THIS?!* I am in the dictionary next to "Murphy's Law."

NYC Part 9 (or "If only I weren't a Pygmie!")
We're finally herded into the Plaza in time for sound check. I can't believe I'm standing here in New York City at the Today Show watching my favorite group of all time. I used to DREAM about moments like this!! I used to watch chicks like me on TV and wonder to myself "How do I get to do THAT?!" I'm here!! (excuse me while I get a tissue. Cuz seriously? This rocks.)

Of course, its crowded, so we're hot as hell, but the minute the guys come out, we lose our minds! Screams, shrieks and cries of excitement are deafening, but worth every second. Of course, I can't see much, so I've got my camera over my head and I'm snapping pictures like a maniac. I have no clue what I'm shooting or if they're in focus, of course, so I have to lower my camera back down after every shot and hope I can duplicate the good ones.

Fresh out of the gate, though, I nail THIS little gem. I didn't even realize I got it until I got home and uploaded my pics:
And look! Another little beauty!!
However...the next sixgazillion pictures are either this:
or this:
I do, however manage to get a few blurry shots of sound check.
I won't bore you with the details of the dumbasses next to us (mind you, in the MIDDLE of the crowd) shouting "Bring it to the BACK!" every chance they got whenever anybody up front got anything (posters, styrofoam microphones, leis, Jabbawockeez scarves..or GOD Forbid, FaceTime!). I'll also spare you the insignificant things like how short Meredith Viera really is or how perky Hota Kotb is (or how if you added an N to her last name, she'd be Hota

Sound check ended with a stare down.
I made the first strike, but as I've been told, it went in for the kill as the show went live. (If anybody has footage, I'd LOVE to see it!)

NYC Part 10 (or "OMG, they're wearing JABB masks!!")
Really? What can I say about the actual taping that you can't see on the clips? The show was great! They came out wearing Jabbawockeez masks. Now normally, I'm NOT big on masks, makeup or anything circusy/clown related, but lemme just say - I could DIG those Jabb masks! They sang three songs: Hangin' Tough, Call It What You Want and Dirty Dancing. The crowd was hoppin', but with the sheer number of people, the fact that we were between two pretty big buildings and the whole purpose of the sound being focused for the tv show aspect, the sound wasn't great. We could hear the songs, but none of their talking or interview parts. A bit disappointing, but it didn't matter in the long run.

Apparently, when the camera came on, the first person some of my friends saw was me. I was smilin' and yukkin' it up like all the other crazies, so I'm not sure how they could tell it was me (I still haven't seen the footage of it, myself), but I did spy myself in the crowd from the YouTube clips. That's me holding my camera up high above my head (which is pretty much how I spent the whole show). Ahh, good times!
Within a couple hours from the time we entered the plaza, it was all over. Eight hours travel time, almost twelve hours on the street....and it was over. You'd think I'd be sad, but really? I was floating SO high, I couldn't stop smiling.

BoilerFan, Dizny and I almost instantly ran into Kavi as we were exiting the Plaza and then she ran into a couple girls she was supposed to meet too, so we headed to Dean & Deluca's for a drink (I was TOTALLY parched!!) and a cupcake.

Some other footage:

NYC Part 11 (or "A Plan of Attack")
Before we hit D&D's, I got to talk to Shayminn again..even convinced him to pose with me. SUCH a doll. Truly? This guy is GOING places musically. SO completely talented and so very down to earth. If you don't know him, GET to know him. He's dripping with talent, he's level-headed and VERY real. Not once did I feel like a "fan" to him. Family...right from the first text I sent him. Amazing guy!!
Dean & DeLuca's was surprisingly not very busy considering it was right on the Plaza, but it did take us a few minutes to get through the line. A water, a tea and a chocolate cupcake with sprinkles for me, please? BoilerFan will take Red Velvet and Kavi'll have a "Hostess" cupcake.BoilerFan, Dizny, me, Kavi and her two girls all sat down to relax and plot our day out a little bit. Kavi's girls needed to head to Port Authority and meet another friend...BoilerFan & Dizny wanted to head back to the hotel and rest a little bit. I *had* to tackle the city head-on as soon as possible or I wouldn't get to see a thing. Kavi was a free agent and up for whatever and since she'd been to NYC before, I kidnapped her and dragged her with me. (Okay, she TOTALLY volunteered and that woman deserves a medal for bravery!) First stop would be my Jersey girls' hotel to pick up my luggage, then to the Hyatt where Heidi & the Ohio RoadDawgs were staying (and where I'd stay that night) so I could get cleaned up a little (Me? Sweaty. Mess.). From there, we'd meet up with BoilerFan & Dizny again for a late lunch and off to see the rest of the sights of NYC.

So Kavi and I head toward Times Square armed with a map and the determination to find the hotel without getting lost. We talked the whole time, really developing a great camaraderie. As we wandered, we began to joke "Wouldn't it be funny if we got to the hotel and the guys were there??" Gah..what a happy thought! Then, of course, I thought about how wretched I still looked and secretly wished I could get a shower that very second...because it really WOULD be my luck to run into them looking like this.

A couple of brief "'re right, it's that way"s we finally spy the hotel. YAY!! I'm one stop away from a shower!!

What the.....
I know that face. And wherever HE is....THEY are.

Told you it was just my luck.

NYC - Part 12 (or "I will not swallow my tongue. I will not swallow my tongue. I will not swallow my tongue.")
THAT is Armando. He's their head of security. I know that face. :) Of course, the small throng of women sorta gave it away, too, but hey. I was focused! So Kavi and I decide to be good girls...and kinda hang out outside. Since technically, we're NOT guests of the hotel we felt weird just waltzing in like we were. We called Glen to see if she'd come down and get us. She said she'd be down, so we waited...chit-chatted a little bit. I asked the girls around us..."what's up?" "who's comin' down?" Words like "Donnie" and "Wahlberg" floated freely.

(fangirl squeals here)

So, we're standing there and, of course, I have my camera out and ready to go...and from the side of me, I hear "You were in Kansas City, weren't you?!" this point two things floated into my brain:
1) Do I have a stalker?
2) Who did I piss off in KC that they remember me six months later??!

I look over and there's a gal holding a Jordan sign. It's not one I instantly recognize, so I hesitantly reply..."Umm...yeah. Did I meet you there?" She says, "Well, sorta not really. You took a picture of Jon & Jordan on the bus and Jon was pointing at my sign...I'm the Tractah Mechanic!" and she flips the sign over...
"OH YEAH!!!! I remember! It's good to finally meet you!" I respond..and my first thought?? *I* was recognized in NYC for my photography. Yes, apparently I AM that unashamedly vain. LOL

So anyway...we go on about our way...and Clarita calls us to let us know they're inside the lobby and to come on in. So we part the crowd and in we stroll. (Yes, apparently we DO own the place, thank you!) My Jersey girls are perched on some chairs off to the right and I beeline for my bag that has deoderant and perfume..I also freshen up with a powder & a fresh coat of lipstick. Yes, right there in the hotel lobby. I don't have TIME to find a bathroom. My man is coming down soon!

OOOH! Gum...MUST. Find. GUM! Whew.

So we're chillin'....taking some pics with one another. Chatting about how Sprinkles MUST sit in the chair and NOT go to Donnie (Hubby's only rule...she CAN'T seek HIM out). Too funny! So, she's sans her "Team Wahlberg" shirt and hunkered down in the chair farthest from the center of the lobby like a good girl. They proceed to tell us that Donnie came out into the crowd at the Today show and made a beeline for Glennie when he saw her "Team Wahlberg" shirt. He commented on the shirts and gave everybody hugs...and proceeded to record her on his little video camera thing. When he asked her to spell her name, she couldn't remember how!! LOL (I wouldn't have either, worries!) She asked what he was recording for...and he said "Well...I don't have any tickets on me, so I'm getting your name & address so I can add you to the Will Call list. You're goin' to Jones Beach, baby!" (I think it was at this point that she lost her mind. LOL) All four of my Jersey girls got Jones Beach excited for them!!!

Here's me & Kavi:
We wait another 20 minutes or so and sure enough, our boy's true to his word....
There's Donnie. Fuckin'. Wahlberg.
I actually do QUITE well at waiting my turn and being patient for him to get to us. I can see, though, that he's so tired...and all he really wants to do. Why am I standing here..taking up another two minutes of his time?? Because if it isn't me, it'll be some other fan. And can you pass that face up?? He took a picture with Kavi by herself....then he got all of us girls from "Team Wahlberg" lined up and we took a group shot. The first of which wasn't that great of us girls because we were trying to tell Kavi how to use my camera...but hey, DEW looked good!
We get things figured out and she takes another one. Awww...perfect!
He looked around, counted us and said "wait....we're missing one..." and Glennie explained Sprinkles' "rule" about the chair. So what does our boy, do?? Parts through the crowd, strolls over to the chair and gives that well-behaved woman a hug and a kiss on the cheek! Couldn't you just DIE???? Then he says to Glennie "So we need what...(counting)...5 tickets for Jones Beach? They'll be at Will Call for you, ladies!"

Wait. WHAT?? Did he just invite ME to join the rest of the girls at Jones Beach??!!!! Processing this thought as he looks right at me...(GAH!) My mind clicks into gear and I hand him something that I'd made for him and forgot to give him in DSM (Sorry, girls...some things are just NOT for public viewing!)...he grins, tucks it in his front pocket and says "Thank you!!" He gives me a hug and kisses my cheek...and says "I gotta go see my boys, baby." (double GAH!!) And off he went.

It's at this point in time that I tear up. Donnie Wahlberg Face Time? TWICE in one LIFE?? Are you kidding? This sort of thing doesn't happen to me! Bless JaceyPants...she tells me to sit down so I can get my wits about me(keep in mind, I'm already on edge emotionally because I literally haven't slept in over 36 hours). I'm in awe of everything that's happened today and I can hardly wrap my mind around it all. I finally catch my breath again and I watch Donnie with his fans...which is one of the most amazing things to see. He's one of the most devoted celebrities...exhausted, rushed and in-high-demand and he still stops for every single person in the line...takes pictures, gives hugs. He's SO there for us. It's really no wonder why he never sleeps - he's too busy hugging and kissing and taking pictures and signing autographs and making our days memorable. I know there are many who aren't fans of NKOTB, and that's fine. We're all entitled to our opinions. But you do have to respect a man who's there for his fans like that. *sniffle*

I somehow gather myself and notice that Fish, the guy's guitarist is standing over by the door with his wife. Glennie's talking to him and I decide to join them. I waited my turn and told him how much I appreciate the hard work he does for the guys and how lucky they are to have such talented musicians behind them every night. I ask him for a pic, to which he cheerfully obliges. I even got a hug. Fish is a total fact, they all really are.

NYC - Part 13 (or "Not like you'll read the rest anyway!")
As it's taken me over a month to complete these first twelve parts, I know that it's somewhat pointless to continue with a step by step, detailed account of the rest of my weekend in NYC.

Suffice it to say, there were amazing sights that I saw, things I did and experiences I will only have that ONE time in my life. I'll post more pictures and I may share bits and pieces later on, but for now, this ends my NYC blog.

What do I take away from this trip? Memories of the most amazing experience of my life, thus far, as an adult woman.

I've spent my life being someone's wife or mother, someone's sister, someone's aunt, someone's employee, someone's something. When it really boils down to it, until last year, I really hadn't done anything that was solely for my benefit. I've pretty much lived my life for others, at least I've tried to. I try to put their needs before my own and as a wife and mother, that's what we're supposed to do. It's not that I harbor resentment or hold grudges for those things. I truly enjoy doing it. But until last year, I realized that I truly had no identity as myself. As my children enter their teen years, that's a dangerous place to be.

So last year, when I went to Colorado to visit Crisillyus for a week, that was my first step to rediscovering myself. I had a week to myself without familial responsibilities, no deadlines, no responsibilities and God bless her, Silly let me do whatever I want to, when I wanted to do it. If I wanted to sleep the day away, she let me! If I wanted to drive to friggin' Estes Park to see a haunted hotel, we did it! That vacation was such an eye-opening experience for me. I realized that I WAS still somewhere inside of myself. I hadn't lost my identity...I just hid her really well.

A second solo vacation came in July when I went to Indianapolis & Louisville with friends I'd met online to do a paranormal investigation. Again...totally to myself, very few responsibilities and a deeper sense of myself when the time was done.

November brought criSILLYus and RiceChex and I together as a unit as we traveled to Kansas City on the first leg of what's becoming the most AMAZING journey of my life. RiceChex and I left our husbands and children at home and the three of us were carefree and did exactly what we wanted to do, when we wanted to do it. It was the greatest time I've ever had with friends.

So when this opportunity came about to do this NYC trip, as scared as I was, I knew I NEEDED this trip. Not to see the guys...not to relive some teenage fantasy...but to continue discovering who I am and what my purpose is. I spent the weekend shooting pictures and laughing with friends...building relationships with beautiful, talented, smart, brilliant of them being myself. I am here and I love what I've learned about myself. Because of this self-discovery, I'll be able to let myself dream again. I'll write. I'll make more friends. I'll stoke the fire beneath old friendships. I'll love freely and cut toxic relationships out. I'll sing and dance and I'll take pictures. I'll be more true to myself, consequences be damned!

My son (whom you may know I've had an extremely tense relationship with, as of late) kept commenting in the days following my trip "Mom, you seem really different. I can't really explain it...You're just way different." He's right. I am different! How sad that it took almost 15 years for him to see his mother as an individual!

So, it seems that the stowaway in my luggage as I landed in Des Moines on my return flight was me. And damn, I'm glad to be back!!

NYC - Part 14 (or "You didn't REALLY think that was the last one, did you?")

When I said I was stopping there, I lied. Okay, I didn't lie, but I wanted to put a separate message to the women I spent my weekend with. Without you, my experience would not have been the same. Never forget what unbelievable women you are.

You beautiful, darling, generous were the reason I even considered NY a possibility in the first place. You opened your home and your family to me and for that gift, I will forever be grateful! You're the model of what I could only hope to be. Your family is so blessed to have you.

Glennie: just crazy! You teach me something new every day and I wish we'd had more time together to laugh and play. I swear we were separated at know, if I was a black woman from Jerze. HA! Seriously though, you bring a smile to my face every time I talk to you and I love you for it.

LET's GET THIS! For never really having spoke before I met you in the bowels of hell (aka Newark Airport), I'm so grateful for our friendship! I can't thank you enough for taking such good care of me and making sure I wasn't going to drop from exhaustion or Wahlbergization. You're a gem, babe!! Can't WAIT to see you again!

For taking pity on this poor, clueless white girl from the Midwest, you deserve riches beyond what this world will give you. Making sure I knew where I was going and even how much to tip a cabbie for a $5 taxi ride, you're my NY Go-To girl! God bless you, darlin!!

I've never been able to forge friendships with women easily. Throw in cultural and educational differences such as the ones between us and it's damn near impossible, but after having spent the day with you seeing what New York had to show me, I consider you so much more than a friend to me. You were so patient and as excited as I was to do the amazing things we did. I'm brought to tears by your kindness and friendship. You...are.....priceless.

For late night laughs, putting up with my crazy sense of humor and a thousand other things I know I do that probably made you wanna run BACK to California, I thank you. You kept me company, kept me safe, kept me fed and kept me in stitches. If I could choose a sister, you'd be right there...faceless and all. LOL! Thank you so much for everything. Let's do this again!

Heidi & Summer:
You crazy Cleveland Girls!! I give you grief and tease you unmercifully for your lack of Face Time and your ga-ga-ness with your love for the guys, but when it boils down to it, I am so envious of your relationship. To be able to share something like this with a real sister would be the only thing to make this experience better. Thank you for allowing me a glimpse into your lives (laughs, fights and all) and letting me share in this with you. Cleveland ROCKS!

For all the women I shared moments with while in that incredible city, I thank you. Each of you touched me in some small way and I will be forever different because of your impact. When Joe wrote "5 Brothers and a Million Sisters," he was talking about us. There's just no other way to describe it. I love each of you from the very bottom of my heart and I will never forget you regardless of where this journey takes us or when it ends.

But no matter what, we'll always have 48th & Rockefeller.

1 comment:

  1. You had me from snarky hello, you had me from snarky hello *sniff sniff* Love you girl!
